Oct 15, 2008

Week 4:Task 3-Mirror Neurons


It's from NOVA sciencenow.

The topic is Mirror Neurons.It's talking about human of natural.People always watch ,and then copy.We always watching other people,and imitate them.It's a science problem.It was because we watch something,then it will copy in our brain.For example,when you look at a happy face,your brain will have more happy factors.

It totally amazing.I think science is a very interesting things after i watched this video.Science can explain a lot things about human.It's so interesting when you know more about that.

1 comment:

Mohamed said...

Hi kelly!I really liked your topic about science,because that what happen today.Just watching others and copy to you you brain ,it's a bad habbit,isn't?I want you to tell us what's the slution to avoid and prevent tjis bad habbit.tanks for this interesting topic,i learned a lot of information from this video and I hope to find to us the good solution for this.