Nov 5, 2008

Week 7:Task 2-Love Is Color Blind

It don't matter if you're black white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
Let's get down to that
love is color blind
- a part of the lyric.
This song is talk about live in peace with others.
Don't discriminate the different one.
We should become like a family with other one :]
Be nice,be friendly with other one.
It's time for some change : )
*new vocabulary*
1.discriminating (adj) :difference
2.prejudice(n): bias

Week 7:Task 1-Barack Obama's Victory Speech

This is Barack Obama's Victory Speech. I watched it last night on tv,and now I watch it again. It's totally amazing!Also,It's so historic of America.Of course,It's also historic of the world.I'm so glad that I can see it in America,and I really want to go Chicago last night! :]

Obama prove that everything is possible in America.The result of last night is the answer,and also sent this message to the world!No matter you are white,black,Asian,Latino...This is the United States of America. I think this is a very good message!

He have many challenge,also have a really long way to go. He talks about a lot problem in U.S.A ,and want to fix it !MAKE CHANGE!For example,financial crisis is a big problem.Also,he want to listen other suggestion,include that someone disagree with him.

Nov 4, 2008

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is the next president!


Yes We Can.

Oct 30, 2008

Week 6:Task 2-History Of Halloween

Oct 29, 2008

Week 6:Task 1-If I Ain't Got You

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you
Some people search for a fountain
That Promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love to them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share, with no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby
Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby

* This song is talk about a girl don't want anything but her lover,and how he change her life.The lyric said that some people want everything,but she don't need them.She just need the guy who she loves.If she ain't got him,everything is nothing.It's not meaningful to her anymore.It's a really romantic song.Also,it's really meaningful.I think it not just for your lover,and it can also to your family or friends.Just listen it and look at the lyric.It's really good:)

1. superficial(adj):shallow,surface
2. fountain(n)source of knowledge
3. dozen(n)many,twelve

Oct 15, 2008

Week 4:Task 3-Mirror Neurons

It's from NOVA sciencenow.

The topic is Mirror Neurons.It's talking about human of natural.People always watch ,and then copy.We always watching other people,and imitate them.It's a science problem.It was because we watch something,then it will copy in our brain.For example,when you look at a happy face,your brain will have more happy factors.

It totally amazing.I think science is a very interesting things after i watched this video.Science can explain a lot things about human.It's so interesting when you know more about that.

Week4: Task 2-Are you a virgin voter?

This is talk about a teen who called NOAH GRAY is doing a project about teenager first experience voting.This project have three parts.First part,he want to know what's most important factor for them to vote.Secondly,it's about their first time T-shirt about to promote the candidate.You should be never forget about that.Thirdly,it's about the video contest about the vote.

I think he has a very good idea,and he did it.Now it have a lots young people can vote.It occupy 47% in the vote,which is 18-24 years old young people.Although many young people can vote now,most of them still don't care about that.I think that's not good.You should care and understand more about your own country.It's the place which you live,and belong to you.It's no excuse about your age!Teenager didn't mean you can do nothing.

Also,I think he's the stimulator of it.

This year,more young people be more interesting than ever because the candidate.I think that's a good beginning about vote.I hope they can be more sober and definite in their choose.Although I can't vote,I still will keep up with this vote as well.

New Vocabulary*

1.encourage(vt): to urge and support
2.promote(vt):to propagate,to exalt

Oct 14, 2008

Week 4: Task 1-Open Letter To Obama

This is a rap song to Obama by Mc Jin.It show support to Obama and talking about why he admire him.His political views and opinion attract him and many people(include me:P) Also,in this song has talk about a lots problem about America.You wanna make a change?Yes,then you gotta take one note. :)

Although I am not US citizen,I still want America to become more better.Specially America is a big country,and the clout also really big to the world.It's so important to choose the presidential candidate!

VOTE is not a joke.


New Vocabulary*

1.terrorist(n):people in a group who always make some horrible things,like 911.
2.disenfranchise(vt):deprive of civil rights.
3.genocide(n): racial of kill off

Oct 8, 2008

Week 3: Task3-Walking on Water

This is a television show which called"Mybusters".They always use some scientific method to find out the rumors and urban legends in popular culture.It's really funny and crazy sometime:)Also,it's very educational.

Walking on water seem impossible.After they added some sciential material into the water,it work!It's just for in a second,but still so surprised me!I want to try it if i have a chance=)

Oct 6, 2008

Week 3: Task 2-ByeBye

This is a very meaningful song.It's talk about you love someone and don't want to say bye to him/her.Probably she/he was gone,but you still miss her/him so much!

Although I haven't the experience about that,I still have a lot of feeling of this song!

I want to cherish someone i love,like my family,my friends..
Just do it right now!Talk them how much you care because you never know what happen in tomorrow.

Do you have any experience about that?Don't be upset!

Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye

-from bye bye.

New vocab*

1.Separation(n) :leave or stop living together
2.Reach(v):in order to get or touch(something)

Oct 5, 2008

Week 3: Task 1-Young People Who Rock.

"Young People Who Rock"is talk about some young people who do some amazing things in their life.It's a weekly interview.This video has several stories about their biograph.

First person is called Alicia Mixson.

Alicia Mixson is put her own life to take care of her brother.Her brother was lose his legs by the accident.He need someone to take care and stay with him.Alicia did it without any complain.She move out Florida and go to Texas with him.She just 26 years old.She said that's just a chapter of her life,she still can do something to make her feel good.

I think she has a very beautiful heart.It's Love.Love is unselfish she showed us.
It's so hard to give up everything and just take care of someone.But she did.
If you were Alicia,would you do the same thing?

Alexander Heffner is an editor and co-founder of Internet can provide young people to have a voice that about the social and world.

I think it's so meaningful.One person can affect other young people.Also,Life is like that.We can affect that people around us.

Megan Kerrigan & Rashia Bell,they have a unusual idea about prom's shopping.They help a lot girls who worry about their prom.There're provides high school girls with makeup, accessories and prom dresses.Make sure they will have a good time in their prom.

I think it's a very good idea.Many girls always worry about what should they wear on the prom.It's a very new and amazing idea for them!

Connor, Hayley, and Emma Gilbert,they're triplet and just seventeen years old.But they do something in their own way to make action about the Polar bears.They want to educate other young people on climate change and how its effect on polar bears.

They're so brave and smart!They're so young but still can did something to change the world.I think that's so amazing!

Finally,I think all of them were so awesome!Although they are young people,they still can do something powerful!It's no excuse for us to do nothing and say that we're young!They can,WE can!

NEW vocabulary*

meaning: encourage or support someone
For example: It's an inspiring story!

meaning: self-effacing,low
For example: Many famous people are surprisingly humble.

meaning: ignored
For example: Homeless is always unnoticed.

THANKS for your attention :)

Sep 28, 2008

About Myself

hey everybody,I'm Kelly who come from Hong Kong.Kelly is my nickname,my name is Wong,Hin.But almost people called me Kelly:) I'm 17 years old.I'm the only child.I love my family so much!Specially my grandma,she's almost 70 years old but still so cute n fun!She took care of me when i was a little one :D So i love her so much!My mom she is 37 years old n she's a business women n cosmetologist:)She's so successful n hardworking!I'm so proud of her n i hope she will proud of me someday:)My parents were broken a marriage when i was 8 years old.But it's fine.Because they treated me very good!I stay with my mom,my grandparents in Hong Kong.They're really nice n funny guys!I like eating,drawing,go to beach,listening to music,dancing n thinking.I'm a lazy girl:P But it's okay !:P I want to become an artist and fashion designer one day.Never give up until my dream come true:)I hope you guys can insist on your dreams too:D Just do it!
If you wanna know more about me,just talk to me;)I'm nice trust me!